Sunday, 23 June, 2024

There was an allegation of vandalism at the election camp of Abjeera chief

news 24 bd bangla

There was an allegation of vandalism at the election camp of Abjeera chief candidate Abdul Rahim Khan and the shooting of a worker putting up posters at the Manikganj temple.


In protest against this incident,

angry workers and supporters of Abdul Rahim Khan blocked the Dhaka-Arisha Expressway by throwing logs for about three hours. This causes severe traffic jams. The incident took place on Friday (May 10) around 4:30 pm. in the the Arisha Dr Khan area of the upazila, news 24 bd bangla.

TheUpazila victim,

Joy Ghosh, filed a written complaint at the police station. Joy Ghosh, Shibaloi Upazila Assembly Speaker candidate, and Awami League District Vice President Abdul Rahim Khan said he was standing in front of his house in the Doctor area in the afternoon when some minibusses stopped. From the car, Awami League Education and Human Resources Minister Fahim Khan Ronnie, eldest son of Awami League upazila president Reza Rehman Khan Janu, came out with his delegation.

When he got out,

he started abusing him with inappropriate language. At one point, Jay fired four bullets at Ghosh. At the same time, panic spread in the region. Joy took refuge in a nearby house. Meanwhile, they vandalized Abdul Rahim Khan’s electoral camp and attacked vice-presidential candidate Misha Tamanna. Joy Ghosh said: “Upon receiving information,

the police recovered bullet shells from the site.

” In protest against this incident, Rahim Khan’s workers and supporters blocked the Dhaka-Arisha Expressway from 5:30 pm. They began the protest by throwing tree branches on the road and stopping traffic. On receiving the information, Shivloi Upazila Nirbahi, an officer in charge of the Shivloi police station,

reached the spot and tried to move the protesters out of the way but failed. Later, local MP Salahuddin Mahmood Zahid and Superintendent of Police Ghulam Azad Khan went to the scene. MP from Manikganj-1 constituency, Salahuddin Mahmood Zahid, said the government was committed to holding fair and participatory elections.



a candidate called Awami League is trying to cast doubt on the elections by creating various scary situations. Prime Minister’s instructions – No one will enjoy immunity due to disruption of voting. Fahim Khan Ronnie, the accused in the shooting and vandalism incident at the office, said that there was no incident of shooting and vandalism in the electoral camp. But there was a dispute with some people over tearing the poster of his father,

Rezaur Rahman Janu.

Shivloi police station in-charge Abdul Rauf Sarkar said that the victim in this incident filed a written complaint at Joy Ghosh police station. Even before that, there were complaints of bottles and bullets being thrown at presidential candidate Abdul Rahim Khan’s convoy. Four UP members were beaten up for meeting Rahim Khan. The cocktail explosion also occurred in front of a member’s 24 com bangladesh.

The son and nephew of rival candidate Rezaur Rahman Khan Janu have been named as accused in each incident. Complaints and grievances have heated the atmosphere in the region.

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