Sunday, 23 June, 2024

Traders and fisheries experts were also surprised.

Sundarban fishermen catch many crabs during the season, but so far, no large crab has been caught in their net. They had no idea that a crab could weigh one and a half kilograms.


Abu Hanif Farji

(50 years old) and Harun Hawladhar (45 years old), two fishermen from North Rajapur-Polarbar village near the Sundarbans, said they were shocked when they saw the crab weighing one and a half kilograms. We have been harvesting fish and crabs for 15-20 years.

The fishermen said that a female crab usually weighs 200-250 grams. The weight of the male crab reaches 300-500 grams.

But they were surprised by the news of the presence of a crab weighing one and a half kilograms. Not only fishermen were collecting crabs, but traders and fisheries experts were also surprised.


Discussions have continued

Ever since a giant rock crab was caught in the net of a fisherman named Baleshwar Nadi Rahim of Charankhola, Bagerhat, on Saturday (May 4).

Crab trader in North Rajapur local village Zakir Hussain Khan said he has been in the fish and crab business for 20 years

. He has yet to catch a crab weighing more than 500 grams. However, the crab caught on Saturday weighed 470 grams per kilogram.It is believed that the crab migrated from


The Sundarbans to the Baleshwar River

And got stuck in a fishing net. A gold merchant named Biswajit Karmakar of Sadar Upazila bought the Rinda Crab Bazaar for Tk 1,500. Biswajeet Karmakar said: I have never seen such a big crab in my life.


After fisherman Rahim caught the crab and brought it to his shop, Biswajit Karmakar took it away as soon as he saw it. He gave what he asked for. Biswajeet said that Vishal would not miss this huge crab even if he wanted more.


Crab dealer Zakir Hussein

Said that a few years ago, he heard the news of a crab weighing 900 grams being caught in the sea. But he knew nothing about the crab, which weighs one and a half kilograms.

He felt that the crab was sold at a very low price. It would have been sold for at least two thousand rupees per kilogram.


Murilganj Upazila, Chief Fisheries Officer Vinay Kumar Roy,

And Chief Fisheries Officer Sharankhola. Zahidul Islam said that every year, fishermen collect a large quantity of rock crabs that grow naturally in the Sundarbans.

Apart from this, small crabs are collected from the forest and grown in different areas.

If these crabs are large, their weight can reach half a kilo (500 grams). It is rare to find a crab weighing one and


A half kilograms.

Fisheries officials said that rock crabs are mostly found in the Sundarbans region. Since the forest is nearby,

It is possible that the crabs migrated from there to the Baleshwar River. Looking at the photo, it looks like the crab is very old.

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