Sunday, 23 June, 2024

Professional organizations operated with individuality.

Once upon a time, professional organizations operated with individuality. Regardless of political affiliation, professionals prioritized professional issues. He used to agitate with requests.


But now,

professional organizations prioritize party politics over professional issues.

Most professional organizations, such as the Union of Journalists, are divided on political grounds. Our predecessors formed this organization to establish the professional rights of journalists. Until Ershad’s regime, all journalists worked under the banner of a single organization. But in the post-90s’ visit our site:


democratic era’,

they split into Awami League and BNP camps. Similarly, organizations of teachers, lawyers, doctors, agriculturists, and engineers have split or party forums gaining more importance than the original organization.

Again, there are factional conflicts in these party forums. Recently, citizens witnessed factional conflicts, attacks, lawsuits, and protests on both sides of the Supreme Court Bar Association election. In recent years, many unexpected events have happened with the choice of this organization.



there is a dispute about the election; sometimes, there is a debate about the electoral roll.

This time, the voting phase was quite peaceful, but later, there were open conflicts between the Awami and nationalist camps. Outside the jury in the Awami camp, which is contesting for the post of general Secretary as an independent candidate,


she is the wife of the President of the Bangladesh Jubo League.

On the other hand, the entire panel supports his brother and the Mayor of Dhaka City Corporation. Many called it a brother-in-law war. But there was no problem if that battle was limited to votes.

Trouble arose when outsiders forced the head of the election management sub-committee to declare independent candidate Nahid Sultana the winner. Later, however,


the announcement was canceled.

Amid this conflict between the Awami camps, the Nationalist Lawyers Forum decided to reject the election and ordered the supported candidates not to go to the counting of votes. While others complied with this order,


presidential candidate Mahabub Uddin Khokon did not.

The results show that the Nationalist Lawyers Forum won 4 posts, including the President, and the Bangabandhu Awami Lawyers Forum won 10 posts,


including the Secretary.

Independent secretary candidate Nahid Sultana, who forced the election sub-commission chief to declare him the winner, got only 269 votes.

After that, Nationalist Lawyers Forum General Secretary Kaiser Kamal said that no one can take the oath selected from their jury. Mahbub Uddin Khokon, elected 7 times as editor and first time as President, ignored this order and was sworn in as President.


It was then decided to expel Khokon from the Nationalist Forum.

Secretary of the forum. According to the announcement signed by Ziaur, lawyer AM Mahbub Uddin Khokon was dismissed from the position of senior vice-president of the Nationalist Lawyers Forum for disobeying the party’s instructions and assuming the responsibility of the President of the Supreme Court Bar.

But Mahabub Uddin Khokon challenged this decision and said, “Where there is no constitution of the forum, they cannot take any decision about me. As a senior forum president,


I should also know if there is a meeting.

After that, the Nationalist Lawyers Forum was divided. Most senior members believe that the decision to reject the election results or release Khokon needed to be corrected. Khokon’s supporters formed a human chain in his favor at the Supreme Court arena. Seeing the situation, senior advocates of the forum met the BNP decision-makers and demanded an early withdrawal of the exemption letter. Again, the request was sent in the form of a newspaper advertisement with the approval of London.


Many Western countries have declared the armed group a terrorist organization.


Talking to several pro-BNP lawyers,

I learned that Khokon-Kamal’s conflict worked behind this decision. Kaiser was close to Kamal Hawa Bhavan when BNP was in power. If Khokon becomes President of the Bar, the importance of the forum will diminish; this argument could also work behind his dismissal.

It’s downright overkill to make people dream. That they are not able to understand the political reality of the country is evidenced by the acquittal of the President of the Bar by the Supreme Court.

But whether the withdrawal of a letter of dismissal or a counter-apology will reduce the rift in the nationalist lawyers’ forum remains to be seen.


After that,

pro-BNP lawyers met with senior party leaders and agreed to reverse the decision quickly. Khokon’s exemption was later revoked. In this regard, the letter was exchanged with the Secretary.


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