Thursday, 20 June, 2024

Many Western countries have declared the armed group a terrorist organization.

Israeli forces asked 100,000 people to move from one part of Rafah to another. Earlier, three soldiers were killed in a rocket attack by Hamas, the Israel Defense Forces reported.


The Israeli army asked residents of parts of Rafah

To evacuate to Al-Mawasi or Khan Yunis before launching a “limited-scale” operation in Rafah.

They claim that this is not a large-scale evacuation program. However, 100,000 people in the city’s eastern part must leave.

The Israel Defense Forces said Monday morning that it is urging residents of the eastern part of Rafah to evacuate to the “expanded humanitarian zone.”


He added, “The humanitarian areas

Have field hospitals, tents, food, water, medicines, and other supplies available in abundance.”

An army statement on the X website (formerly Twitter) said that the residents of eastern Rafah will be transferred to the humanitarian zone in stages after the government approves the analysis of the situation on the ground.

About 1.4 million people took refuge in this city after they were displaced due to the war from the northern and central areas of the Gaza Strip.


After a seven-month offensive against Hamas,

Israel says its victory is impossible without the Rafah operation.

But a senior Hamas official, Sami Abu Zuhri, described the operation as “dangerous” and said that “the consequences will be dire.”

Most relief operations in Gaza take place through the Kerem Shalom crossing.

Israel closed the crossing overnight after the attack.

In response to this incident, 12 people were killed in an Israeli attack on the city of Rafah.


The Israeli army says it urged Gazans sheltering

In different parts of Rafah to leave on Monday morning.These attacks come with the start of talks on a ceasefire in Gaza and the release of hostages.

The Israeli army claimed that ten rockets were fired from the direction of the Rafah crossing in the southern Gaza Strip, three and a half kilometers from Kerem Shalom.

 They claim that the attack was carried out near the Israeli military base.


On the other hand, the Israeli army said that the missiles were fired from a distance of 350 meters from a civilian facility.


“This is another clear example of how a terrorist organization

Uses humanitarian facilities as a tool and uses civilians in Gaza as human shields,” they added.However, Hamas denied allegations of using civilians as human shields.

News of the attack came after two days of talks with mediators in Cairo, Egypt.


However, more progress needed to be made

In the discussion. Neither Israel nor Hamas was prepared to make any concessions on the main demands.

The talks are scheduled to resume on Monday.

Hamas says its delegation will head to Qatar to talk with senior leadership.

Media reports stated that CIA Director William Barnes left the Egyptian capital to attend the Doha talks

Hamas says it considers the current proposal positive. However, whether the ceasefire will be permanent or temporary has become a big question.


The group insists that any agreement

Must include a commitment to end the war. However, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected this proposal.

“The State of Israel cannot accept their demands. We are not ready to accept a situation in which Hamas brigades come out of hiding, retake control of Gaza, rebuild the military infrastructure, and pose a threat to the people of Israel.” Mr. Netanyahu said.


He added: “This would be a crushing defeat for Israel as a state.”


On October 7 of last year, Hamas fighters crossed the Gaza border and entered Israel. One thousand two hundred people were killed in their attack,

And more than two hundred and fifty people were taken hostage. From there, the war began.

Many Western countries have declared the armed group a terrorist organization.

Later, Israel launched a military operation in Gaza. Thirty-four thousand Palestinians were killed in their campaign, and about eighty thousand were injured. The Hamas-run Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip announced this information.


The United States does not want to support

Any military operation that could lead to large numbers of civilian casualties.

Instead, the state believes a plan should first be developed to guarantee shelter for displaced Palestinians.


But with more than 1.4 million displaced Palestinians taking refuge there, Western powers and Egypt fear that this will lead to large numbers of casualties. Civilians will suffer for this.

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