The country’s institutions have become so ineffective that if there is any change in the country, the work to reform them will not be completed even after 53 years.
In addition, the banking sector involved in the economy is now fragile. Rules in this sector are set due to the need for corruption. Accountability has collapsed in all regions of the country.
Speakers said these things at a seminar titled “Economy:
Bangladesh Now”,” organized by the non-political organization Dhaka Forum and held at BRAC Center in Dhaka on Saturday.
Salihuddin Ahmed, a founding member of the organization and former Governor of Bangladesh Bank, moderated the symposium.
“The economic situation is in a critical state,” Debapriya Bhattacharya, an honorary fellow at the private research organization Center for Policy Dialogue (CPD), said at the symposium. We said a year ago that the key issue is to stabilize the global economy and control inflation.
In this gap, two other problems have arisen: the risk of debt repayment and slow growth.
Debapriya Bhattacharya believes
That the low level of accountability in politics is one of the reasons for this. He said: The bad influence of individuals, families, institutions and groups has increased greatly.
It is unfortunate for citizens that there is no political accountability in the country to deal with them.
No one will disagree with the opposition party’s criticism, but they do not say how they would deal with the problems if they were in charge.
Debapriya Bhattacharya noted that he had read the opposition party’s 27 points and 31 points long before the last parliamentary elections and asked them some questions.
The question is: How can the problem
Of the banking sector be eliminated? What can’t the government do, and what can you do? Did you apologize for the corruption that occurred during your term? Why are they lost despite the gathering of millions of people? How do you gain people’s trust without giving these answers?
“We are in an undemocratic state,” commented Debapriya Bhattacharya.
It doesn’t say what to do after throwing it away. They will not go to local elections because they will not go to any elections.
The people of the country are now more aware than before.
This way, they will live in a completely depopulated world. People will not take to the streets if they cannot offer good alternatives.
Hussain Zilur Rahman, an advisor to the former interim government, believes that a good analysis of politics and economics over the past 15 years is essential at the beginning.
“The ruling group does not want to prioritize democracy over development,” he said. Some say that there is development despite corruption. In my opinion, it is not right to create the structure of thought in this way.
Hussain Zilur Rahman
Said that a new reality has emerged in politics as a new model. The electoral reality in the country has disappeared. Not only did this happen on January 7, but this trend began in 2014. Power has become highly centralized, and there is a lack of accountability
Hussain Zillur Rahman said that three systemic features were seen in the management of the economy.
One of these reasons, he said, is that development financing has become dependent on debt. The other reason is the extreme inefficiency in doubling development costs. The third is the comprehensive breakdown of accountability.
Hussain Zillur Rahman also explained that political steps
Are being taken in the banking sector due to corruption. Again, there is a high-tech park in Jessore, but it is now used as a community centre. The consequences of ineffective economic management must be addressed. In my opinion, Bangladesh is being led towards an ambitious, unacceptable, immoral and anti-liberation war future.
Dhaka University Law Department professor Asif Nazrul disagreed with Debapriya Bhattacharya over the opposition party’s participation in the elections.
The General People’s Congress
Was among the parties that civil society proposed a boycott of the elections. Asif Nazrul believes that such statements by Debapriya Bhattacharya “will help the tyrant become more autocratic and more biased.”
Asif Nazrul asked Debapriya Bhattacharya:
“Disappearances, lack of justice, lack of freedom of expression – should I criticize these atrocities first, or should I criticize what a party can do after it comes to power?”
How did you understand that people were not taking to the streets? He answered this and said that since 2014, the BNP had conducted three mass movements, and if there had been a fair election, the opposition party would have won 90 per cent of the votes. Seating. Myanmar,
North Korea, Syria – people in these countries don’t like their governments either. They are still in power. His other questions were about the rigged elections, money laundering, and filing cases in absentia. Were they imagined?