Thursday, 20 June, 2024

The bunch will tune in to the Hajj sermon here

The bunch will tune in to the Hajj sermon here

According to the Saudi calendar, nowadays, Saturday is the ninth day of Dhu al-Hijjah, the favored day of Hajj. The bunch will tune in to the Hajj sermon here. The Arafat forsake is set to reverberate with the sound of “At Your command, O Master, at Your command.” About 1.8 million travelers from around the world stand on the other side of Upper Arafat from the summit of Mount Kindness.


Dark and white,

wealthy and needy, they all sing in harmony: “At Your command, O Master, at Your command.” Enal hamada wa ni mata laka wal muluuk, You have no accomplice. That is, I am show, O Ruler, I am show. You have no accomplice. All commendations and endowments are for You alone. All kingdoms are Yours.’ It is as it were for Your absolution and elegance that we are accumulated here, Lord.


After the first light supplications on Saturday,

Mina travelers will assemble in Arafat Square. Pioneers (men) wear as it were white, unstitched clothing (ihram). Here, they will remain until dusk. This is the arrival where one thousand four hundred years back, God’s adored, adored Prophet and Courier, Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), stood and lectured to the Islamic country. In his Goodbye Journey Sermon, the Prophet pronounced that Islam has become a total religion nowadays. Islam is it; was it God who chose r?


Nowadays, the pilgrim’s intellect is like a reverberation of the Goodbye Journey Sermon. The Imam and Evangelist of the Fantastic Mosque will provide the Hajj sermon from the Nimra Mosque in Arafat Plain nowadays. Maher canister Hamad canister Muqbil Al Muaiqli.


The bunch will tune in to the Hajj sermon here.

The Saudi Hajj Administration Specialist orchestrated his discourse in Arabic to be interpreted into 20 dialects, counting Bengali. Nowadays, he will offer supplications at the Nimra Mosque. When he leads, pioneers perform the twelve and evening supplications together. After that, the Hajira will take off for Muzdalifa from the Arafat square. Upon coming to Muzdalifa, pioneers perform the evening and evening supplications together. There, you will spend the night beneath the sky of Muzdalifa, and from there,


you will collect little stones to toss at the demon.

Eid al-Adha will be celebrated in Saudi Arabia on Sunday, the 10th of Dhu al-Hijjah. Nearby inhabitants who have not performed the Hajj will perform the Eid supplication and make penances. After the morning supplication, the Hajj Sahiban will return from Muzdalifa to Mina.Rami will toss stones at Jamrat al-Aqaba or the Awesome Satan. At that point, after completing the give-up, individuals shave their heads and return to the city of Mecca to perform Tawaf around the Kaaba.

At that point,

The time has come to allow them respect

The upcoming Eid al-Adha travel preparations

return to Mina once more until the 12th of Dhu al-Hijjah, and the Jamarat stoners will total the primary Hajj exercises by stoning the little demons, the Hajj customs were totaled by performing a goodbye circumambulation of the Sacred Kaaba. Saudi instructors orchestrate Tawaf al-Ifadah on any of the three days of the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth of Zil-Hijjah.

The primary Hajj ceremony started last Friday.

It is the Sunnah of the Seal of Prophets Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) to stand in Mina and implore five times with brief supplications from the evening of 8 Zil-Hijjah to the morning of 9 Zil-Hijjah. Be that as it may, the Saudi Hajj Administration Specialist brought the pioneers to Mina on Thursday evening to encourage smooth Hajj execution for millions of travelers. On Friday, the transients remained in their tents in Mina all day and night, imploring God for absolution of sins and pardoning of sins,


notwithstanding of male and female.

After this, after advertising the first light supplications on Saturday, they cleared out for Hajira Arafat Square. Hajj is one of the fundamental columns of Islam. Braving the burning warm, around 18 lakh dedicated Muslims from all over the world, counting Bangladesh, assembled in the heavenly city of Mecca to perform Hajj. This time, 85,129 individuals from Bangladesh came to Saudi Arabia to perform Haj.

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