Thursday, 20 June, 2024

The time has come to allow them respect

The time has come to allow them respect


MP Alauddin Ahmed Chowdhury Nasim displayed three propositions to Prime Serve Sheik Hasina. While examining the Jatiya Sangsad budget session on Thursday (June 13), he said that the Awami Association’s confrontation in Parliament nowadays is not the unique confrontation of the Awami League.


The unique confrontation of the Awami Association is slowly vanishing from the Awami Alliance. Presently,

The time has come to allow them respect.


Alauddin Ahmed Chowdhury Nasim said: I have seen four stages since 1975. 1975-81, 1981-96, 2001-06 and 2007-08. Amid these four stages, Sheik Hasina drove the development on the roads, arranged sit-ins, and broke the attack. She did not grant orders sitting in London like the killer Tariq Rahman.


The program was yet to be announced.


He moreover said that Sheik Hasina was assaulted 21 times for making a ruckus on the lanes. It is time to allow due regard to those who misplaced their lives amid the 40 a long time long development and battle on the way of Prime Serve Sheik Hasina.


During this,

he put forward three propositions in front of the Prime Serve and said that it is fundamental to frame a committee to investigate the development and battle that took put over the long time 1975-1981, 1981-1996, 2001-2006, and 2007-2008.

I ask that those who were martyred in these four stages of the development and battle be given the status of official saints. It is an exceptionally great thing for the Prime Serve to orchestrate an assembly at his home at slightest two days a month for the pioneers and specialists who yielded their lives for the nation.

These individuals have no trust. They need to see the Prime Serve confront to confront for the final time. It would help if you listened to this from his mouth.



this MP from Feni said, “My voting demographic has been ruled by tyranny for nearly 50 a long time.” Khaleda Zia was chosen as MP from this region four times. In spite of the fact that he was the Prime Serve twice, he did not care about the advancement of this locale. He did not keep our locale in his heart or offered to take exact retribution on our locale;

He denied this locale of advancement for years.


Alauddin Ahmed Chowdhury Nasim expressed gratitude to Prime Serve and Communications Serve for extending a few roads.

Nasim Chowdhury’s request for the reviving of the Winni-Belonia railroad line is full of recollections of the past 100 years.


Highlighting the predicament of three wellbeing centers in the voting demographic,

He said that specialists are frequently posted at wellbeing centers and exchanged to different clinics in Dhaka in the title of connection. These posts are not one or the other empty or filled. This is strange!


Talking about the budget,

He said that controlling swelling has been given the best need in the budget. In the people-friendly budget, social security allotment was expanded by 10,000 crores. But individuals can take advantage of that budget as it were by apportioning stores.

Nowadays (recently) Bangladesh Every day discharged a report on the wellbeing sector.


It has been watched that two MRI machines worth Rs 10 crore have been lying in a harmed condition since they were given over to Khulna Restorative College and Chittagong Restorative College. There are numerous such cases. Presently, I can learn the cost of each item by clicking on Google.


we see that the items are being obtained at three to four times the cost. So, I would like to draw the consideration of the Back Serve and say that presently, the time has come to audit the government obtainment approach, i.e., PPR. It is essential to settle it legitimately and halt the squandering of government money.


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He drew the consideration of the Instruction Serve to the reality.

That instructors of instructive education partnered with MPO have to travel for a long period to get provident support cash after retirement. Down-to-earth steps ought to be taken to resolve this. In the meantime,


country instructive educators all over the nation are confronting a deficiency of instructors due to the enrollment of instructors through NTRC. Nowadays, 60,000 educator posts are empty. It is coherent to kill the requirement for enrollment through the National Preparing and Enrollment Board and bring it back to the town level through modernization and decentralization.

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