Thursday, 20 June, 2024

Dried chilli is sold for millions of rupees in the advertisement.

The ruddy pepper started to arrive at the showcase early in the morning. Agriculturists and wholesalers to offer pepper came from diverse ranges of Sundarganj, Phulchari, Saghata, and Jamalpur locales of Gaibandha in watercraft and horse carts.

At that point,

the deals buildup started. As the days advanced, buyers and dealers got more involved. This is a picture of the dried pepper advertisement in Gaibandha. Since a parcel of chilli has been developed in this region, the same as it was advertised in the region can be found here. The deal is open two days a week, Saturdays and Tuesdays, from the morning until two in the evening. Every day, deals surpass one million rupees.

The advertisement is known as “Phulshari Pepper Market”.

Dried chilli is sold for millions of rupees in the showcase. “The generation fetched of Pratibigha pepper is Tk 25-30 lakh,” said Saeed Rahman of Khatyamari town in Fazlupur union of Phulchari upazila. If the amount of green pepper is 50 maun, it is dried in the sun for 9-10 maun. Each dried chilli is offered for between 12,000 and 13,000 taka.

Barring all costs,

the benefit is Rs 60,000. Pepper dealer Gobar Mia, a Jalnachar agriculturist from Ghazaria Union, said, “Not as it were me, but all the chair ranchers come here to offer dried chillies.” Gaibandha dried ruddy pepper is acknowledged throughout the nation. The quality of the soil and the climate of the field are great for developing peppers, so the estimate of the peppers is expansive and excellent. Chilli is developed in hundreds of bighas in the Char area, which is encompassed by the Brahmaputra,


Yamuna, and Karatua waterways. Regularly, after surge waters retreat, grain soil is planted after two or three ploughs. If the plant is small or enormous, after 15-20 days, 2-3 times after gathering, an expansive collection of pepper is gotten without fertilizer. The generation fetched is moreover exceptionally low.

Dried chilli is sold for millions of rupees in the advertisement.

Saleh Akand, who came from Bogra to purchase pepper at Phulchari, said the quality of pepper here is exceptionally great. But the cost is a small tall. I brought the truck early in the morning to purchase pepper at this market. Joel Mia, who came to purchase pepper in Joypurhat, said that he buys pepper for 30 to 40 lakh in each showcase. Afterwards, it was sold at a discount in a few nearby markets, expanding to provide it to different companies. This pepper showcase has been found in the ancient Upazila central station of Ghazaria Union of Upazila since 2002. Pepper is sold most amid the crest season from mid-February to May.

But other times, deals are lower.

Dried chili is sold worth millions of rupees in the showcase. Bazil Rahman, an inhabitant of Phulshari Cottage, said the cottage is kept up two days a week, Saturday and Tuesday. Dried ruddy chillies from the Char locale alone offer for more than Rs 1 million per cap. Khursheed Alam,

Appointee chief of Gaibandha Agrarian Expansion Office,

He moreover said that the take-off of BIWTA authorities at all levels had been canceled.

The victim’s house is in Sherpur Upazila.

told breaking news 24 that due to the rich climate and soil, the sum of chilli development in the prairies is expanding. The Char individuals, too, tend to develop pepper. They are self-sufficient with pepper development. All sorts of offices are given to agriculturists, counting counsel from the Service of Agribusiness.

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