Kieron Berg, hacking and security consultant at Prism InfoSec reveals the five mistakes.
we make that allow anyone to access our smartphones as mobile data theft is on the rise. As a tester hired by companies to find vulnerabilities in their systems,
Kirin knows exactly what he’s talking about.
He explains that common mistakes like using the same password, clicking on malicious links, and sharing too much information on social media are the main reasons. Use the same password. Another way hackers can access your data is by repeatedly using passwords.
He explains that even if the site you use is hacked and you use the same password on other services, the criminals will be able to access all other accounts with the same password.
There is a lot of information available online.
As he explained, the abundance of information online is another element that greatly facilitates attacks. Specifically, they search social media services like Facebook and LinkedIn to find dates of birth and then search relatives to detect nepotism and nepotism. Finally,
using this information, they convince service providers to transfer the connection to a new SIM card in a scam called SIM swapping. Connecting to an unsecured network Another big problem is that many people go to coffee shops like Starbucks and connect to public Wi-Fi.
This type of network uses a system known as open authentication,
which means that data sent over the network is not encrypted. Clicking on malicious links Finally, Kiran points out that links sent to unsuspecting users make their job much easier because once a user clicks on one,
Two students were killed by lightning in Chagalnaya,
The wife was accused of obtaining illegal assets worth Rs 6 crore,
it allows cybercriminals to install malware on the device and Provides a window to take complete control.